Welcome to 51福利社

kids with arms around each others shoulders

Registration Video

Online Registration for 51福利社

  • To begin your application, login to your account or if you are new to the district,

    Once logged in, click Forms > Online Application.

    Then click "I would like to apply for enrollment for a new child."

    Finally, fill in your child's First Name, Last Name, and Date of Birth, and select the Registration form type.

    application screenshot

    Please bring the following information with you after completing the online application:

    • Proof of date of birth.
    • Proof of immunizations.
    • Proof of physical exam.
      • The following are NOT ACCEPTABLE as Physical Exams.
        1. A bill or receipt.
        2. A statement from the physician that the child is in good health and free of communicable disease.
        3. Documentation of height, weight, and blood pressure.
        4. Health history filled out by the parent or health care provider.
    • Proof of residency.
    • What to Bring Registration Form
    • Registration Checklist

    If you have any questions, please call the school located in your district.