Data Dashboard - Area Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Priority Area 1: Students

  • Student Proficiency in Reading and Math* (Baseline Year 2023-24)

  • Student Growth in Reading and Math* (Baseline Year 2023-24)

  • Graduation Rate (Baseline Year 2023-24)

  • Graduation on Track Status (Baseline Year 2024-25)

  • Office Discipline Referrals (Baseline Year 2023-24)

  • Resiliency Skills (Baseline Year 2023-24)

  • Attendance (Baseline Year 2023-24)

Priority Area 2: Staff

  • Teachers Participating in Professional Learning (Baseline Year 2024-25)

  • Teachers Satisfaction regarding Professional Learning (Baseline Year 2024-25)

  • Time Allocated to Professional Learning (Baseline Year 2024-25)

  • Professional Learning Opportunities Aligned with DSP (Baseline Year 2024-25)

  • Staff Retention (Baseline Year 2023-24)

  • Leadership Longevity (Baseline Year 2023-24)

  • Vacancies first day of school (Baseline Year 2023-24)

Priority 3: Community

  • Use of Communication Plan (Baseline Year 2024-25)

  • Number of Engaged Parents (percentage)?(Baseline Year 2023-24)

  • Social Media Analytics

Priority 4: Resources

  • Percentage of School Facilities Considered Up to Date (Baseline Year 2024-25)

  • Percentage of Classrooms Considered Up to Date (Baseline Year 2024-25)

  • Per Pupil Allocation for General, Federal, and Combined Budgets (Baseline Year 2024-25)

  • Student to Teacher Ratios (Baseline Year 2024-25)

  • *Source -